Davidson College
Davidson College, which also happens to be Steph Curry’s alma mater, is a small liberal arts school with 2000 students about 20 minutes from Charlotte. With a student to faculty ratio of 10:1, Davidson offers 32 different majors, including pre-professional programs in Pre-Law, Pre-Medicine and Allied Health and an Engineering Dual Degree. Freshman year, all students sign an “Honor Code” which facilitates an environment of absolute trust between professors and students. Students are able to schedule when and where they would like to complete their final exams. Rather than sororities, 80% of the women join “Eating Houses” and 50% of the men join one of six IFC fraternities. Students rave about the close relationships they have with the faculty and the strong alumni network. 55% of the freshmen class was admitted Early Decision with D1 athletes comprising 25% of this early pool. Academically, students tend to be at the top of their high school class. They are looking to admit students who challenge themselves in new areas and are comfortable being uncomfortable. Demonstrated interest is very